Public Prosecutor has less than a month to decide fate of PM

Public Prosecutor, Kaluwin Pondros Public Prosecutor, Pondros Kaluwin, has less than a month left to decide on the Ombudsman Commission’s (OC) referral of Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) Prime Minister, Peter O’Neil, to the Leadership Tribunal, Pacific Business Review reports. O’Neil was referred for allegations of official corruption which included failing to comply with administrative and financial process in the borrowing of the K3 billion Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) loan, issuing misleading statements in the media regarding the sacking of former Treasurer, Don Pomb Polye, and that he sought advice from relevant State agencies including the Bank of PNG to take out the loan. The Public Prosecutor has less than a month left to peruse the files and decide if there is sufficient and credible evidence to notify the Chief Justice to establish a Leadership Tribunal, refer the case back to OC for further investigation or refuse to prosecute it. PM O’Neil was referred earlier this y...