Missing person alert – Cecelia “C-Jay Sisco” Sawang

Reported missing - Ms Cecelia Sawang. Ms Cecelia Sawang has been reported missing since Friday, according to a plea posted by her parents on Facebook for any assistance in locating her. According to the post she left her home around Friday 11am (March 27) and has not returned since. However, they received a text from her around 10pm that day saying that she was at a birthday party at Manu and would return on Saturday. Her phone is off and her parents are unable to contact her. They have also indicated that she is not at her boyfriend’s. Cecelia is currently a student at TAFE and her parents are very concerned. Ms Sawang's mother has also received unverified leads that her daughter may have been abducted by an ex boyfriend and held captive somewhere at ATS. If you have any information on the whereabouts of this young girl then please contact her parents on 73929898.