Headless body found in drain along Boroko drive

Boroko Drive
A headless body has been found in the drain along the
Boroko Drive. Image source  http://www.alltravels.com   
The headless body of a man believed to be from the Highlands region has been found dumped along the drain along Boroko drive near the Rev. Sione Kami Memoria Church between 1:30 – 2pm today.

According to policeman, Constable Paul, who is at the scene securing the area, two machetes were found beside the body and are believed to be the murder weapons. The victim is believed to have been murdered sometime yesterday night.

A member of the public reported the grizzly find.

Meanwhile, the area will be secured until the police forensic unit, homicide and criminal investigations carry out their investigations.

Motorists have also been advised to avoid the area as the investigation is slowing traffic.


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