PNG woman finds US$100 plate

US$100 bill
A Papua New Guinea (PNG) woman stumbled on the find of the century when she was harvesting her sweet potatoes, Pacific Business Review (Saturday, November 23) reports.

Nemilo Kebu, 30, from Ahioma village just outside of Alotau unearthed a bronze plate of US$100 bill when she was digging for sweet potatoes last month. However, she had forgotten about until he close neighbor told her about finding a couple of dog tags when she remembered her find.

The plate is partially damaged but the left side has the insignia of the US Federal Reserve, and states that it is a “Federal Reserve note FE 00779918A E5” at the top. Below, it says “This note is a legal tender for all debts, public and private.”

The plate also has the “Series 2003A” printed on it.

This series was, according to Bureau of Engraving and Printing website, was first circulated in March 1999.
The find brings to the light the possibility of US currency being laundered in the area these past years.


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