Asylum porn stars on Manus Island

Manus MP, Ronny Knight
The Manus island processing center has been the center of controversy since its inception. However, new information is revealing there is more dirt hidden amidst the facilities.

According to Manus Open MP, Hon Ronny Knight, the asylum seekers and local girls employed at the center are producing pornographic videos.

Posting on social site, Facebook, the MP said:
“I just viewed a shocking phone video of the xxx rated type featuring asylum seekers in the camp and young Manus girls working there! I am going to take this clip to the Australian High Commission and show how out of control G4s has allowed these people to become!!
This clip is truly sickening.”
The Manus processing centre has been the topic of controversy for violation against human rights with Amnesty International describing it as “[sic]…cruel, inhuman, degrading and violating prohibitions against torture…”


  1. Seems the new Australian Government breeds disease and corrupts wherever it goes. I do not associate myself or seek to be in league with that authority.

  2. Im asking why the Australian Government established the Manus asylum detention centre in the first place. They have more land than we do.
    Many are also asking why strict entry requirements are imposed on PNG citizens. Did Australia view native Papua New Guineans potential terrorists such that they allowed independence without struggle.
    Come on Australia, relook.


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