West Papuan freedom fighter dies in PNG

Danny Kogoya
Danny Kogoya showing his amputated leg.
A West Papuan freedom fighter reportedly died last night in Vanimo, Papua New Guinea (PNG), Free West Papua Campaign posted on their Facebook page.

Danny Kogoya, had reportedly been suffering from an infection on his right leg after it had been allegedly amputated, without his permission, by Indonesian forces.

In July this year, Kogoya was interviewed by ABC in which he claims his leg was amputated while arrested for manslaughter charges.

The freedom fighter said police had threatened to rearrest him which led to his fleeing across the border to PNG. He also claimed to command around 7000 with 2000 active fighters.

Meanwhile, PNG’s extradition treaty signed in June with Indonesia has sparked fears that West Papuan activists could be targeted. However, Prime Minister, Peter O’Neil has assured the public that it will only apply to criminal cases and not political refugees.

Last week, three West Papuan activists were arrested by Port Moresby police for organising a political rally and raising the Rising Star flag with the support of National Capital District (NCD) governor, Powes Parkop – a human rights activist and lawyer cum politician, and Benny Wenda.

Wenda, a West Papuan activist living in exile in the United Kingdom (UK) was also slapped with a ban notice by immigration officials when departing from PNG which has sparked cries of double standards toward the government which has failed to extradite Indonesian criminal, Djoko Tjandrana, who has been granted citizenship under the alias Joe Chan.


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