Australian High Commission Media Release

Open forum on Manus about Regional Resettlement Arrangement

As part of the Australian Government’s ongoing community and business consultations on the Regional Resettlement Arrangement (RRA), a series of open forums will be held in Manus and Lae on 21 January. Consultations will also take place with presidents of PNG peak business bodies in Port Moresby on 22 January. Similar information sessions were held last year in Manus, Lae and Port Moresby.

The RRA is already delivering many economic opportunities for Manusians and other PNG companies and employees. The Australian High Commission publishes facts about the economic benefits resulting from the RRA at

The Manus and Lae open forums will highlight the opportunities for local and national business involvement in the implementation of the RRA.

The separate consultation with PNG peak business bodies in Port Moresby is an opportunity for dialogue and information sharing to further strengthen understanding of the benefits of the RRA for PNG businesses.

The Australian Government strongly supports the Government of Papua New Guinea and the Manus Provincial Government’s aim to maximise opportunities for local participation in employment and subcontracting activity in the implementation of the RRA.



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