Girls used as compensation payment in teacher’s death

Danny Gonol
Human rights lawyer based in Mt Hagen, +Danny Gonol 
Young girls have been used a compensation payments in Jiwaka, according to reports in The National, and a human rights lawyer has condemned this.

Two girls, allegedly 13 and 15 years of age, were handed over to the Kui villagers by people from Menginpol as compensation over the death of a teacher.

A human rights lawyer based in Mt Hagen, +Danny Gonol, is calling for the police to investigate and arrest those who made the decision to use the girls as payment.

The two girls were given away to the relatives of the deceased for marriage, and while it is unclear whether they consented to this, both girls are underage.

Mr Gonol said the girls’ dignity and rights should have been protected and it is a “breach of human rights at its worst.” He said:
“I condemn the community leaders who made the decision to use the two innocent girls as payment.”
Gonol also described the practice of using people as payments as “totally wrong” and a new thing to the Highlands region.

He called for the police to immediately step in and return the two girls to their parents.


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