Manus to host delegation from multinational company

Manus MP Ronnie Knight
Manus MP, Ronnie Knight
The island province of Manus will play host to representatives from the Dubai based Awal Impex Internation (Holdings Ltd) Company who will arrive there on Sunday, The National reports.

Manus MP, Ronnie Knight, said the delegation would be exploring investment opportunities if the province is turned into a free trade zone.

He said the multinational company planned to establish major port facilities for customs and quarantine checks on vessels importing goods into the country, and their investment in basic services would be in the million kina region.

The delegation is expected to visit Mokoreng, Salamei and former logging port, N’drahukei in the Pobuma LLG.

Mr Knight said locals had indicated support for the company’s plans. He said the main concept behind building a major wharf facility was that cargo brought in from Asia, Pacific and Northern Australia would be checked on Manus before continuing to Lae or Port Moresby.


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