Police raid night club on New Year’s

Police in Port Moresby conducted a raid on a well-known night club on New Year’s in Gordon, Post Courier reports.

The Armani club at Gordon was raided by police on the early hours of January 1 after failing to comply with certain restrictions. The raid resulted in 200 cartons of beer confiscated.

According to operation commander chief inspector Ndranou Perou, the Chinese owned nightclub had been warned on several occasions not to sell alcohol after its liquor trading license was revoked but the owners have ignored the directions and continue to secretly operate.

Perou said it is very disappointing and annoying when organisations do not comply with the laws. He added that police would get tough on organisations that do not comply with laws and authorities that were established.

Police were compelled to carry out the raid after they approached intoxicated partygoers that congregated outside the club.


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