Post Courier sued by forestry firm

Post Courier
A forestry company has filed a lawsuit against South Pacific Post Ltd, which owns Post Courier, and its editors regarding articles published on September 3, 4 and 19, 2014, The National (November 5) reports.

The articles purportedly revealing the company’s links with known or suspected terrorist and Islamic extremists was published both in print and online, and attracted the attention of international media organizations including The Guardian and ABC.

The company, Cloudy Bay Sustainable Forestry Ltd, filed a writ of summons against the newspaper claiming damages up to K584 million (US$ 200 million).

In a public statement, the company said the publications were “grossly defamatory” and “published in bad faith” which resulted in the “cancellation of commercial contracts”.

The company directors are seeking aggravated damages on the basis that the Post Courier editors knowingly published information that was false.

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