Expat arrested over Pacific Games scam

Matthew Damaru
An expatriate man allegedly involved in a variation scam in the construction of the Pacific Games venue was arrested by Police when he tried to leave the country, Post Courier (October 12) reports.

The man, who was employed by a construction company, was arrested at the Jacksons International Airport departure lounge by fraud squad officers and his former local employees. He was about to board an Air Niugini flight to Australia.

National Fraud Squad & Anti-Corruption Directorate director, Chief Superintendent Matthew Damaru said the man was wanted by police for questioning over allegations of cost inflation on price of materials and labor for the construction of the games venue.

Damaru said he has been questioned and released. However, his passport has been confiscated to prevent him from fleeing.

Meanwhile, Damaru has written to the Chief Migration Officer Mataio Rabura to stop expatriates who were involved in the construction of the games venue from leaving the country as they are part of an ongoing police investigation.

The investigations stem from the variations during the project which saw one contract for redevelopment of the Sir John Guise (SJG) stadium initially for K7.96 million see a variation of 96% to K15.3 million. Another for K119.3 million ended up at a 41% increase to K165.7 million.

The variations caused concern at the Central Supply and Tenders Board which saw Chairman Philip Eludeme writing to the Pacific Games Authority (PGA) in March.


  1. Investigate the Tenders Board Chairman and the Pacific Games Authority, I have noticed something fishy in the deal, the stadium was refurnished/renovated, not built to the world class, also the name of the GOD was also omitted on the National Anthem,, Please Ombudsman Commission, check also the Two ministers for sports... What is happening under the very eyes of our self claimed steady government???

  2. Yes investigate everyone involved


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