Juffa calls for authorities to be investigated

Oro Governor Gary Juffa
Port Moresby
- Firebrand politician Gary Juffa is calling for Papua New Guinean authorities who harbored Indonesian fugitive Djoko Tjandra to be investigated and charged. 

The Oro Governor made the call after Tjandra was arrested in Malaysia and repatriated to Indonesia after more than a decade on the run. According to the Jakarta Post, Tjandra spent 11 years on the run. 

Juffa had raised the issue back in 2012 warning the government from dealing with Tjandra. He says the former government knowingly harbored and conducted business with the international fugitive. 

He added that the recent arrest should signal an investigation into those involved in harboring Tjandra and commended the Malaysian police for taking action - something PNG authorities could have done long ago. 

Juffa also said the arrest should be a wake up call for PNG to improve her security systems including immigration, foreign affairs, customs and other state agencies.    

Tjandra fled Indonesia in 2009 after being found guilty of graft and ended up in Papua New Guinea (PNG) where he illegally obtained a PNG passport under the name Joe Chan. 

In 2014 the Indonesian government wrote a letter to the Papua New Guinean government requesting an official explanation to why Tjandra was traveling under a PNG passport with the alias Joe Chan.

It is unclear if an explanation was offered but it is understood that former Prime Minister Peter O'Neil had made a public statement in 2013 that Tjanra's certificate and passport would be revoked.     


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